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Slide the images to see my journey.


Right. So here's the full story. I was born on 17th August. A pure Leo at heart that is. Most of the main Leo traits should exist within me. Which includes all the leadership, creativity, courage, romance, humor, and lots more. I love this personality which makes me different from others. And I've had that gut feeling since i was a kid. As the way i think and look at things are always different from what others would see.


Here's a little bit about my background history. My higher education started just about a month after my SPM exams. Even before my results came out, I had flew off to Cairo, Egypt to further my studies there doing my degree in Arabic Literature and Islamic Studies in the Faculty of

Dar el-Ulum in Cairo University.  Unfortunately I didn't get to graduate due to the uprising riots and wars in Egypt closed down the campus and etc. So Malaysian students were called back to return for good.


I had lived there for 3 years in the culture and among the people. Thank God I was blessed with the gifts of His sacred language. I am able to speak fluent Arabic language communications, read and write in Arabic. Including speaking the Egyptian Dialects. So I guess that differentiates me from most people I guess.


So when I came back I had to start over, with a great chance and opportunity of doing a fresh restart, I was accepted to study in Faculty of Creative Multimedia at Multimedia University, Cyberjaya. So my next journey begins, and still continues until today.


I am a musician at heart. The creative blood flows within me. I love music. I study the relation between audio and human emotions. I play the guitar most of the time. A little bit of keyboard here and there. A self taught guitarist. 


I also love business and entrepreneurship. A lot! One day Insya Allah I will be successful in my business. Wishing to achieve as high as possible in wherever this life takes me.

About: Bio
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